Recent Episodes

How to Quit Your Job: A Mom’s Guide to Creating a Life & Business You Love

A podcast that helps working moms like you optimize your time, manage your minds, and start a business that helps you create more freedom, flexibility, and fun.

Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

17. How to Leave Your Corporate Job on Good Terms

Are you dreaming of leaving your corporate job to start your own business? Before you make a dramatic exit, consider how to strategically set yourself up for success as an entrepreneur. In this episode, we explore how to make the transition from employee to business owner with grace and intention.

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

16. Maternity Leave Tips for Entrepreneurs

If you've been putting off starting a family or growing your business out of fear that you can't do both, this episode is for you. I want you to walk away knowing that it is absolutely possible to be an incredible mom and a successful entrepreneur. With the right mindset, support, and strategy in place, your business can flourish right alongside your growing family.

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

15. Why Moms Make Great Entrepreneurs

In your role as a mother, you're a master multitasker, problem-solver, efficiency expert, and resilience role model. These are the exact same traits that make successful business owners. In this episode, I break down how the everyday moments of motherhood are preparing you for entrepreneurship in ways you never imagined.

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

14. How to Make Selling Easier

How many times have you held back in promoting your business because you're worried about coming across as too pushy? Have you downplayed your amazing products or services for fear of making people uncomfortable? I get it. I've been there too. But if you're a mom who wants to build a thriving business that allows you to quit your soul-sucking corporate job and create the life you've always dreamed of, you need to make peace with selling.

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

13. Break Free From the Cycle of Mom Guilt

As moms, we often set impossible standards for ourselves, trying to live up to an idealized version of motherhood that leaves us feeling inadequate. But what if we could reframe our guilt and use it as a catalyst for growth and positive change?

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

12. How to Finally Take Control of Your To-Do List

Do you feel like your to-do list is a never-ending source of stress and overwhelm? Are you tired of ending each week with more to-dos than you started with, feeling like you're constantly falling behind? What if I told you there was a simple tweak you could make to your life that would completely transform the way you get things done?

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

11. Stop Learning, Start Doing: A Mom’s Guide on Taking Action

Learning masquerades as productive action but in truth, overly focusing on learning is really just a fancy form of procrastination. So, it's time to ask yourself: is the pursuit of research and learning actually getting you closer to starting your own business, or is it keeping you safely within the bounds of what you already know how to do?

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

9. How To Secure Your Financial Future as an Entrepreneur

When thinking about starting your own business, you're probably worried about no longer having the safety of your biweekly paycheck. The thought of walking away from your corporate salary feels terrifying. I know it did for me early on. But that financial fear is just one of the mindset obstacles holding you back from the life-changing success you're capable of achieving. And there are more.

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

8. Managing Your Mind: The Secret Weapon for Building Your Business

The biggest obstacle standing between you and your dream business isn't your job. It isn't your skillset, and it isn't even that you don't have enough time because you're trapped in your nine-to-five. The biggest hurdle you need to overcome in pursuit of your dream business and the life you want to live is your thoughts. Your mindset matters, so it's time to unlock the secret to managing your mind.

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

7. The Transformative Power of Networking for Mom Entrepreneurs

If you're looking for more confidence and clarity as you ditch the nine-to-five and start working for yourself, you're in the right place. You might have a vision of networking involving stuffy corporate mixers and awkwardly trying to climb the ladder, but what I'm bringing you today is networking reimagined, and it is going to change everything for you.

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Jenna Rykiel Jenna Rykiel

6. How To Start a Business When You Have No Idea What To Do

Feeling like you're stuck is daunting. But the truth is, you have countless entrepreneurial options for starting a new business, some of which you've probably never even considered. This episode is not only packed with ideas for your new business, but you'll also learn how to finally get out of your own way so you can actually explore what's possible for your future.

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