1. Are You Ready To Quit Your Job?
Do you want to break away from the constraints of your nine-to-five and instead experience the joy and freedom of entrepreneurship? If so, you’re not alone, and you're in the right place. Welcome to How to Quit Your Job: A Mom’s Guide to Creating a Life & Business You Love. This first episode is dedicated to tackling one of the most important questions you need to answer on the start of this journey: are you ready to quit your job?
How do you know if you're ready to ditch your job and redesign your life? If you're scared of what might happen, does that mean you aren't ready? This journey is full of challenging questions, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.
Tune in this week to discover if you're really ready to quit your job and create the kind of life you've always dreamed of, as well as the red flags that mean you are definitely ready for change. You'll learn why there's never a perfect time to completely change everything about your life and identity, but why, when you have the support you need, anything is possible.
Ready to establish if it’s time for you to quit your job and create the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of? Download the FREE accompanying action guide for this episode, by completing the form below!
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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
Common signs you've outgrown your nine-to-five life.
My own story of being stuck in a soul-crushing job for way too long.
Why you're probably more ready to quit your job than you think.
The fears that are preventing you from living the most fulfilling life possible.
How to listen to your brain and body guiding you toward a greater purpose.
What the exciting future of this podcast has in store.
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Full Episode Transcript:
Hello and welcome to How To Quit Your Job: A Mom’s Guide to Creating a Life and Business You Love. I’m Jenna Rykiel, your guide and fellow mom who has broken away from the constraints of a nine to five to the freedom of entrepreneurship. In this first episode, we’re tackling a big question. Are you ready to quit your job? This podcast is designed for moms who are ready to ditch the nine to five. But how do you know if you’re ready to truly redesign your life?
Today, you’ll walk away with insights on how to know if you’re ready, how to overcome fears associated with acting on that readiness, and how I’m going to be right here to support you every step of the way so that ready becomes done. And it’s kind of like having kids. There’s never a great time to completely change everything about your life and identity, but we all somehow managed it. None of us had a playbook or blueprint with all the answers, though I really think moms on call is the closest thing we have to it. But we made a huge life transition with some trust that we could figure it out.
We weren’t ready, but at the same time we were ready. And if you’re listening to this podcast, it means that even if you weren’t ready to have kids, you did it. And perhaps you tuning into a podcast called How To Quit Your Job could mean something similar. So how do you really know? We can learn a lot about trusting ourselves during any big change from that life changing experience. So, let’s see how I can help you apply this same level of knowing you’re ready to leave your job.
So, I want you to imagine it’s Monday again. You’re gearing up for another week and there’s that all too familiar feeling of dread. Maybe you’re juggling too much and feeling recognized too little. Maybe you’re working with difficult clients that drain you each day. But of course, your company boasts white glove service, so the client is pretty much always right. Maybe you just got back from vacation with kids, and you need a vacation from the vacation so having to jump on that 8:00am call feels devastating. This is your life right now.
But imagine a life where Monday is a day you actually look forward to, where your work brings you joy and purpose and this isn’t just a pipe dream. It truly can be your reality. And I’ll be honest, when I transitioned out of corporate, it took a few months of Mondays before I could shake the Sunday scaries. I feel like I had a hangover from the Sunday scaries that stayed with me.
My mind and body were so trained to dread Monday and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders every Sunday. But I promise that feeling does eventually fade, especially when you’re calling the shots for your life and business, creating a life you actually love on your own terms. And it’s not out of the question to decide you no longer work on Mondays. That’s something I decided when I came back from maternity leave with my son, Adley, and it’s still something I maintain.
Now every Monday is mom Monday, and while he’s still a demanding boss, it’s such a joy to have that space during the week. And let’s be honest, I’m very motivated to drop him off at daycare on Tuesday and get my work week started. Because here’s the thing, you’re probably waking up each morning drinking from a fire hose with all the demands coming at you, whether it be the boss at your nine to five or the little bosses you have at home. You probably don’t have the time to even think about what you actually need and how to take care of yourself.
And I’m here to give you permission to stop setting yourself on fire to keep others warm at work and at home. There’s another way that allows us to put our needs first so we can show up each day as the human mother and career woman that we envision. Because here’s the thing, when we show up each day feeling fulfilled and energized, that’s what keeps those around us warm. So, are you ready for that kind of freedom and dare I say calm in your life? That’s what I want to answer on this podcast episode and in future episodes.
I want every episode to arm you with the tools to step confidently into being your own boss. We’ll discuss actionable steps, mindset shifts and essential business tips to help you move from thinking about it to actually doing it, all tailored for working moms just like you. I want this to be your go to resource for inspiration, information, and a loving push when you need it most. If you’re like many of the moms I coach, you’re successful, you’re driven. And let’s be honest, you’re pretty tired, tired of the juggle, the constant demands and that nagging feeling that there’s something more fulfilling out there for you.
This is your catalyst or your guide or your wakeup call or the universe calling you, whatever resonates with you. It’s a way to stop making excuses and start making moves. I don’t want you to be like I was, stuck in a job that felt soul crushing for way too many years. And unfortunately, maybe you’re already at that place, which means you’re more ready than you think. And you have a choice, one that so many moms feel paralyzed to make out of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of not being able to provide. But what if that fear is actually preventing you from living your biggest, most fulfilling life?
We’re going to talk about fear a lot on this podcast, including episode two, which is all about failing ahead of time. But on this first episode, we’re ripping off the band-aid and addressing the question burning in so many of your minds. Am I really ready to quit my job? So, settle in, grab a pen and paper, unless you’re driving of course, then maybe a voice to text note. And prepare to bust through those limitations once and for all. Like I said, this is your wake up call, your chance to stop living according to someone else’s goals and create a life truly designed by you.
So how do we know if we’re really ready to quit? I want to shine a light on the undeniable signs that you’ve outgrown your nine to five life. First, if you’re consumed by chronic burnout despite being objectively successful in your current role, that’s a clear red flag. Burnout isn’t just being a little tired or stressed. It’s a soul depleting physical and emotional exhaustion that leaves you utterly depleted. If you’re experiencing symptoms like cynicism, detachment, lack of accomplishment or the sense that your work is meaningless no matter how hard you try. My friend, those are bright neon signs that it’s time for a change.
Prior to becoming a mom myself, I coached leaders to prevent burnout. I also worked in the mental health field before corporate so, I know a thing or two about burnout and wellness. It’s not just working long hours. It’s about resentment and lack of meaning in your work. There are plenty of people who work long hours and who feel more alive from the work they’re doing.
If you’ve hit burnout and you’re seeing signs of physical illness, please see a doctor. But many of you may be what I call on the road to burnout, which means there are things you can do to prevent burnout and finding new meaning and purpose in work with a career transition may be an option. But listen, we’re not going to trade one burnout for another by stepping into entrepreneurship. That’s something we’re going to create systems and boundaries to prevent. Having more control over your time and ownership over your decisions is energizing and can often be just what moms like you need in this next chapter of your career.
Secondly, if you find yourself constantly daydreaming of a different path, of an alternate career or lifestyle that lights you up inside, it’s because that’s what you are truly craving. When you catch yourself wistfully imagining a different future over and over again, it’s your body telling you that this just isn’t it anymore, and that’s okay, it means it’s time for a change.
Finally, if you’ve simply outgrown your current work situation, whether that’s the role, the company or honestly, even the career itself. That’s a pivotal sign that it’s time to graduate. Just like our kids, we too are meant to constantly grow, evolve and level up in life. If you’ve checked all the boxes in your current path and don’t feel challenged or fulfilled anymore, it’s not your job to shrink yourself. It’s a signal that you’re ready to spread your wings.
If any of those signs resonate with you, don’t try, and rationalize them away. It’s the wisest part of your body urging you towards greater growth, creativity, and purpose driven work. Ignoring it will only lead to deeper burnout, resentment, and an overwhelming sense that you’re just going through the motion on a never ending hamster wheel.
So, let’s talk about overcoming fears about quitting your job. So maybe you’re at the stage where you’ve gotten honest with yourself about being ready for change. You awakened to the signs, and you know in your heart the corporate life has run its course. But actually, pulling the trigger on quitting your job, that’s a whole different beast and I get it. Resigning from a stable paycheck is incredibly terrifying. And my friend, I would be lying if I said the fears and what ifs won’t creep up. They absolutely will and it’s never ending. That’s just part of doing something radical and life altering.
But I don’t want you to just drown out those fears by chanting affirmations or slapping a toxic positivity band-aid on them. That’s not enough to overpower the doubts that will inevitably come up, especially some of them that are living between your ears right now. Instead, let’s actually look those fears square in the eye, understand them and minimize their power and create a concrete game plan that allows you to take action and move forward even when you’re feeling fear.
I regularly talk about fear being in the car with us on this road trip, but that it can’t be the driver making all the decisions. Fear, anxiety, self-doubt, all the emotions will be along for the ride and that’s perfectly okay. There’s really no other way unfortunately. We can’t get rid of those emotions. But having a plan is one of the best ways to move forward with the fear.
So, for example, if the biggest fear is failing and going broke, it’s helpful to map out your absolute rock bottom number to cover basic living expenses. And then calculate an exact financial runway to the dollar so that there are no surprises. Knowing what you need to save as a nest egg, or even understanding whether you actually need a nest egg helps to mitigate the fear. Knowledge really is power when it comes to money fear.
If you’re gripped by anxiety about making the same income you do now, just drop that expectation. Odds are your soul sucking corporate job was overpaid to compensate for, well, sucking your soul. I’d estimate most of my clients, including in my own business, start by earning 50 to 75% of their prior income through their business initially, but their quality of life skyrockets. And those earnings continue to ramp up as you and your business gain traction.
Trust me when I say you cannot put a price on never having to request PTO or talk to a manager when your kid wakes up with a fever. Yes, there’s still some mental drama around when and how you’ll move the business forward with a sick kid at home. But we’ll talk about how to manage that voice as well in future episodes. The point is, there is no fear or worry, you can’t stare down, dismantle, and neutralize with the right plan and mindset work.
Which brings me to the next crucial point of this episode, what this podcast will offer to support your transition. And at this point you may be feeling a mix of terror and exhilaration. On the one hand, the thought of leaving your stable corporate job is scary as hell. Will you really be able to replace your income? What if you fail? Plus, where do you even start when it comes to building a business? Take a deep breath because this is where having this podcast as a guide will be game changing.
It’s not just going to overwhelm you with strategies and you shoulds. Instead, I’ll be your supportive partner walking you through practical, meaningful actions step by step so you can migrate out of the nine to five with confidence. We’ll cover everything from choosing a realistic transition timeline that feels rational yet inspiring, to getting radically honest with yourself about your finances, knowing your numbers, create security as you bridge the income gap.
We’ll also talk about business tips and things to consider when building your unique business that works for you, so you aren’t just trading one burnout for another. The last thing we want for you to do is build a business that you hate. So, I’ll support you to build one that isn’t just a carbon copy of the online guru propaganda, but a customized venture that aligns with your lifestyle needs, skills, and income goals for working on your own terms. And we’ll take this one digestible step at a time to avoid overwhelm.
One week may be finances, the next may be overcoming imposter syndrome, then sales and marketing strategy. Slowly but surely crafting a roadmap for transitioning out with courage and confidence because here’s what I know to be true. We all grossly underestimate what’s possible in a single year when we commit and take persistent action. But I promise, if you stick by this podcast and implement along the way, you’ll be in a wildly different place 12 months from now, a place of freedom, fulfillment, and ownership over your days.
You don’t have to have it all figured out today or even really know what you want to pursue yet. All you need to know is that you’re ready, because this podcast is for moms who are ready for change, the moms who know it’s not going to be easy but who know the life on the other side is worth stretching themselves out of their comfort zone. For all those moms listening, just stay tapped in one week at a time, taking one intentional step after the next. Before you know it, you’ll have your exit plan and business plan that allows you to be both the career woman and mother that you envision.
This podcast is your guide and support system for making the actual leap. Let me shoulder the strategic lift while keeping you encouraged and unstuck every step of the way. Tune in next week as we talk about failing ahead of time. Fear of failure is debilitating but most of us are already living a version of failure. So we’ll tackle that reality head on next week, so you leave feeling even more inspired and motivated to take action.
Okay, you’ve got this, mama, and you’re not alone. I’d love for you to reach out and let me know what resonated with you from this episode. And of course, let me know how you answer the question, are you ready? Thanks for tuning in. See you next week.
Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of How to Quit Your Job: A Mom’s Guide to Creating a Life and Business You Love. If you want to learn more about how I can help you stop making excuses and start making moves, head on over to www.jenna.coach. I’ll see you next week.
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