Conquering Mom Brain: Strategies for Busy Mompreneurs to Thrive

Motherhood is a remarkable journey filled with love and fulfillment, but for moms who are also business owners, it brings a unique set of challenges. Juggling the demands of parenthood and running a business can often amplify the notorious "mom brain" phenomenon.

But just like most challenges you’ve faced in your business, this is another one that you can overcome.

In this post, we’ll explore the concept of mom brain and delve into its potential causes. We’ll also discuss practical strategies to help you overcome this frustrating phase of motherhood.

I firmly believe that you can thrive as both business owner and mother— but it’s going to take some extra grace and intention.

Understanding Mom Brain

Mom brain, which is experienced by many mothers (myself included), is particularly challenging for mompreneurs trying to manage their businesses effectively. Forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and mental fog can interfere with business operations, productivity, and decision-making.

Striking a balance between parenting and entrepreneurship requires strategies tailored to the unique circumstances of mompreneurs.

The more we understand the collective struggles that moms have during different phases of motherhood, the more we need to give ourselves grace in this journey. If you take away nothing else from this post, I want you to remember to give yourself grace. It’s okay to forget or experience mental fog, you’re human.

Grant yourself the same kindness you would lend to a friend or loved one if they were struggling with mom brain.

Possible Causes of Mom Brain

There’s still a lot of questions around mom brain but what we know to be true is that motherhood is a demanding role both physically and mentally and the demands impact our overall functioning.

Below are a few of the known demands at play;

  1. Hormonal fluctuations: Hormonal changes during pregnancy and postpartum can disrupt neurotransmitter activity, affecting cognitive functions.

  2. Sleep deprivation: Balancing late nights working on business tasks and caring for a newborn can lead to significant sleep deprivation, impacting mental acuity and focus.

  3. Increased workload and stress: As mompreneurs, the responsibility of managing a business while raising a child can create mental and emotional strain, contributing to mom brain symptoms.

Some of the above are causes we can control, while others are not. While the strategies below do not necessarily include “getting enough sleep” as an item, it’s an essential part of higher functioning. It may feel impossible with a newborn but think about asking for help from friends/family or hiring a night nurse so you can get some Z’s.

This phase of parenting won’t last forever (I promise) so do what you need to do to take care of yourself in this moment.

Strategies to Overcome Mom Brain

  1. Streamline and automate business processes: Implement systems and tools that simplify business operations. Automate repetitive tasks, use project management software, and delegate responsibilities to trusted team members or virtual assistants. This reduces mental load, allowing you to focus on essential tasks. For example, instead of having to remember to call client x next week, utilize customer relationship management (CRM) software to streamline client communication or schedule the email to be sent in the future, while you’re currently thinking about it.

  2. Prioritize and delegate: Identify critical business tasks that require your expertise and delegate non-essential responsibilities. Outsource tasks such as bookkeeping, social media management, or content creation to professionals or freelancers. Hire a virtual assistant to handle administrative tasks, allowing you to dedicate time to strategic planning and business growth. This empowers you to focus on core business functions. They say it takes a village— so start building that village!

  3. Establish a structured schedule: Create a well-defined routine that incorporates dedicated blocks of time for business-related activities, parenting, and self-care. Designate specific hours for uninterrupted work, aligning them with your child's nap or school time to maximize productivity. Set boundaries and communicate your availability to clients, customers, and team members to maintain a healthy work-life balance. .

  4. Leverage technology and productivity tools: Explore apps and software designed to boost organization, time management, and productivity. Use project management tools like Trello or Asana to track tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with team members effectively. In those moments of motivation and clarity (and yes, you will have them) be sure to capitalize by setting yourself up for future success with these tools. Planning and organizing makes all the difference.

  5. Practice self-care and mindfulness: Taking care of yourself is crucial for maintaining mental sharpness. Prioritize self-care activities like exercise, meditation, and sufficient rest to recharge your mind and body. Engage in mindfulness practices to reduce stress and improve focus. Schedule regular breaks throughout the day to engage in short mindfulness sessions or physical activity, providing a mental reset and enhancing cognitive function.

  6. Seek support and build a network: Connect with fellow mompreneurs or join business-oriented communities to exchange experiences, insights, and strategies. Networking can provide support, accountability, and valuable advice for managing both motherhood and business effectively. Join online forums or social media groups dedicated to mompreneurs, like Hey Mama or Startup Parent, where you can share challenges, seek guidance, and learn from the experiences of others.

As a mompreneur, conquering mom brain is essential to thrive in both motherhood and entrepreneurship. By understanding the potential causes and implementing tailored strategies, you can overcome the challenges of mom brain and achieve even greater success.

Mom brain or no mom brain— you’re doing a great job.

Embrace the journey, celebrate your accomplishments, and remember that finding the right balance takes time and adjustment. With determination, organization, and self-care, you can navigate the complexities of being a mompreneur while maintaining mental clarity and composure along the way.

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Hi, I’m Jenna (and this is Adley),

I believe that being a mom and a business owner shouldn't be a trade-off, and with my Baby on Board Business Coaching Program, you can have the best of both worlds.

I'm here to help you grow your business and achieve your goals, all while balancing the needs of your family.


Goal Setting for Mompreneurs: Creating Harmonious Success in Business and Life


The Power of Self-Kindness: Nurturing the Mompreneur in You