Goal Setting for Mompreneurs: Creating Harmonious Success in Business and Life

As Mompreneurs, we've embarked on a unique journey that requires us to balance the responsibilities of motherhood while also running our businesses. This path can be both rewarding and challenging, but setting goals can be a powerful tool to help us navigate the complexities of our lives.

In this post, we’ll explore the importance of setting goals for us mom business owners, introduce a few frameworks to aid in the process, and understand the significance of balancing business and personal aspirations.

We’ll also talk about how embracing flexibility and resilience, and being okay with imperfection can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

I firmly believe that you can thrive as both business owner and mother— but it’s going to take some extra grace and intention.

Goal Setting Frameworks

We know that our journey is as unique as the businesses we run and the families we nurture.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to success, and that's why having a diverse toolkit of goal-setting frameworks is essential. From juggling business responsibilities to taking care of our little ones, each phase of motherhood demands its own strategy. Embracing various goal-setting frameworks empowers us to tailor our plans to our individual needs, making the process not only achievable but fulfilling.

So, let's explore the beauty of versatility and how different tools can help us navigate the dynamic terrain of mompreneurship with confidence and grace.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound (S.M.A.R.T.) goals is a fundamental framework for all business owners. S.M.A.R.T. goals provide us with a roadmap to follow and create a clear sense of the end result we’re looking to attain in our business or personal life.

The five elements that make up a truly SMART goal are;

  • Specific: Define clear and precise objectives for your business and personal goals. Instead of saying, "I want to grow my business," set a S.M.A.R.T. goal like, "I will increase my client base by 20% within the next six months through targeted marketing strategies and networking."

  • Measurable: Establish quantifiable metrics to track your progress. For instance, measure the number of new clients acquired or the revenue generated during the specified timeframe.

  • Attainable: Ensure that your goals are realistic and achievable. Consider your available resources, time, and skills to set goals that are challenging yet feasible.

  • Relevant: Align your goals with your long-term vision and values. Ensure that they contribute to both your business growth and personal fulfillment.

  • Time-bound: Set specific deadlines for achieving your goals. Having a timeline in place helps you stay accountable and motivated to take action.

WOOP (Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan): WOOP is a goal-setting strategy that combines positive thinking with realistic planning. It involves identifying a wish or goal, visualizing the desired outcome, recognizing potential obstacles, and creating a specific plan to overcome those obstacles. WOOP is a more intuitive and emotionally engaging approach to goal setting.

The practice of goal setting is so important to guiding our activities but recognizing the obstacles, especially mental obstacles, is a game-changer. When we know our obstacles, we can align our strategies with those obstacles. This has been such a power tool within my own business and with the clients I serve.

The obstacle is the way!

Agile Goal Setting: Inspired by Agile project management methodologies, Agile goal setting emphasizes continuous learning and improvement. It involves setting shorter-term goals, frequently reassessing progress, and making adjustments based on feedback and changing circumstances. Agile goal setting is well-suited for dynamic environments and allows for more adaptability in achieving objectives.

I love take the concept of Agile Goals from my 10+ years in corporate and aligning it to my solopreneur business needs. Entrepreneurship is all about the scientific method— we come up with an idea (hypothesis), test it, and get a result on whether it works or not. If it doesn’t work, we keep testing new ideas. If it works, we do more of it. The short sprints of the Agile framework honors the “fail fast” ideology and gives us more opportunity to find out what doesn’t work, which more quickly leads us to what does.

Value-Based Goal Setting: With this approach, you align your goals with your core values and principles. I love this approach for all my Mompreneurs because most of my clients operate from a value-based approach in their businesses and many business were born out of a desire to bring their values to the forefront of products and services.

Value-based goal setting allows for greater authenticity and personal connection to your objectives. It ensures that your goals are meaningful and in line with what truly matters to you. It’s also a great tool to make sure you’re spending time in places that feel aligned.

There are countless frameworks beyond what I’ve shared, but what’s most important is figuring out what works for you. It’s all about getting it done, not necessarily that there’s ONE right way to do it.

Balancing Business and Personal Goals

As caregivers, we tend to prioritize our family and business, while deprioritizing our personal aspirations. Nurturing personal goals is essential for our overall well-being and sense of fulfillment.

The more we put our personal goals on hold, like learning a new craft or engaging in a beloved hobby, the more resentment can build up over time.

Striking a balance between business and personal goals allows us to thrive in all aspects of life.

  • Allocate Time: Dedicate a specific amount of time each week to work on personal goals, such as pursuing a new hobby, engaging in self-care activities, or spending quality time with loved ones.

  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your business and personal time. Avoid overextending yourself and learn to say no to commitments that may hinder your personal growth.

And yes, there is no such thing as a perfect balance, but being intentional about integrating personal goals to whatever degree makes sense in the particular phase of life you’re in is critical to your overall wellbeing. It’s also a powerful habit to model to kids and peers.

Embracing Flexibility and Resilience

If you’re like me, encountering unexpected challenges and setbacks happens daily— in equal parts business and motherhood.

Embracing flexibility and resilience allows us to adapt to these circumstances, bounce back stronger, and stay focused on our long-term vision.

  • Accept Change: Be open to adjusting your goals or strategies when faced with unforeseen circumstances. Be kind to yourself and recognize that life's unpredictability is a natural part of the journey.

  • Practice Resilience: Cultivate resilience by reframing setbacks as learning experiences. Embrace failures as opportunities for growth and use them to refine your approach.

Being Okay with Imperfection

I talk about this often, but I don’t think it can be said enough—as moms and entrepreneurs, we hold ourselves to high standards, expecting perfection in all that we do.

However, it's essential to recognize that perfection is unattainable.

Being okay with imperfection and understanding that not every goal will be fully met is a sign of growth and self-compassion.

  • Practice Self-Kindness: Instead of being self-critical, grant yourself the same compassion you would to a friend facing similar challenges. Celebrate your efforts and progress, regardless of outcomes.

  • Learn from Mistakes: View mistakes as valuable lessons that pave the way for improvement. Analyze what went wrong and identify opportunities for growth.

A mantra that I have with myself and pass on to many of my clients is the power of “done” by asking ourselves, “would you rather have it done or perfect”? If a project or goal is stuck in development phase, it means it’s not out in the world adding value to people’s lives.

It’s okay to put B- work out in the world. You can always go back and adjust it later, but allowing ourselves the joy of hitting a goal, even if the final product could be slightly better, builds so much more momentum than being stuck in development.

Celebrating Milestones

While goals are important because they provide direction and focus in our days, they are also really important because they are a built in tool for celebration. When we hit a goal, no matter how big or small, we get to celebrate.

I started using the Full Focus Planner last quarter to stay organized with my goals and one of my favorite elements of the planner was that each goal required that you include how you will celebrate when you reach the goal. Personally, I’ve struggled with celebrating myself and this was just the push I needed.

It led to booking a solo trip, hiring a stylist, and investing in a mastermind course that will ultimately benefit my business and clients. I would never have set these intentions for celebrating success had I not been nudged by the planner.

  • Cultivate Gratitude: Take time to express gratitude for each milestone achieved. Celebrate your wins, whether it's signing a new client or spending quality time with your family.

Amidst the hustle of managing our businesses and families, it's crucial to acknowledge and celebrate the milestones we achieve along the way.

Recognizing our progress, no matter how big or small, fuels our motivation and boosts our self-confidence.

By setting our sights on realistic and meaningful targets, we pave the way for growth and fulfillment, both in our businesses and in our families.

Finding the right goal-setting tool can be the key to unlocking our true potential.

Balancing our personal and business goals is crucial for our overall well-being and success, as they are deeply intertwined.

Embracing flexibility, resilience, and imperfection allows us to navigate the inevitable challenges with grace, knowing that it's all part of the journey.

Remember, it's not just about reaching the destination; it's about cherishing the process and embracing every twist and turn along the way.

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Hi, I’m Jenna (and this is Adley),

I believe that being a mom and a business owner shouldn't be a trade-off, and with my Baby on Board Business Coaching Program, you can have the best of both worlds.

I'm here to help you grow your business and achieve your goals, all while balancing the needs of YOU and your family.


Conquering Mom Brain: Strategies for Busy Mompreneurs to Thrive