Self Care… In the FLO
Did you know the female body is cycling through four phases each month? You (if you have a monthly cycle) are not the same each week so your self-care practices shouldn’t be either. Don’t have a cycle? Share this with someone who does!
Below are stress and thought management recommendations for women to align self care with the four phases of their cycle;
Follicular phase (Days 7-13 or the week after your period): The hormone effect on the brain is one of openness to new things, creativity, and beginnings.
Stress Management/Exercise options;
Seated meditation
Cardio at home/or walk (20-30 mins)
Best time — morning or lunch time
Thought Management:
Read or listen to something new/inspiring/ learn something new
Set or review intentions for the month
Ovulatory phase (Days 14-18): The verbal and social centers of the brain are stimulated. This is a good time for important conversations. Enjoy being magnetic
Stress Management/Exercise options;
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout (30-60 minutes)
Best time — early morning
Movement-based meditation — Dance to a few favorite songs and lose yourself
Thought Management:
Set intentions of who to connect with
Connect with your community each day
Luteal phase (Days 19-28): Brain chemistry is optimized for tasks and completing projects. Say no more often, and set firm boundaries. Focus on yourself.
Stress Management/Exercise options;
Pilates, strength training (no cardio or HIIT)
30 minutes max
Best time — midday or later in the day
Thought Management:
Review daily task list and focus on solo work
Cancel any unnecessary meetings
Make a gratitude list
Menstrual phase (Days 1-6): You are best able to synthesize how you feel and determine the best course of action. Schedule time to think strategically about the big picture of your life.
Stress Management/Exercise options;
Seated meditation
Low key exercises - your body is doing a lot!
Yin/gentle yoga/walk
Best time — not in the morning
Thought Management:
Journal about major life areas and reflect
Is what you think you want still feeling good at this point?
Do you feel good about what you’re doing in the various areas of your life, how you’re spending your time, whom you’re spending it with?
Want more? Read In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life
Question: Are you working with your body’s unique phases to best take care of yourself?
If you don’t have a regular cycle, more reason to take the recommended action below
Action: Read In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life … I’ve surpassed my word limit and there’s still so much more to say!
💜 a good quote…
“The core problem with working longer hours is that time is a finite resource. Energy is a different story. They’ve found that replacing energy-depleting behaviors with self-care practices that recharge and reenergize is the key to sustainable high performance without burnout.”
- Excerpt from the book, In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life
“The premenstrual phase can actually be a time of insight, clarity, and direction. It can fill you with a can-do, get-it-done attitude and a desire to clean house—literally and metaphorically. I have renamed PMS “prioritizing my self,” and if more women did the same, we would have far fewer premenstrual symptoms.”
- Excerpt from the book, In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life