Self Doubt and Quick Tools to Manage your Mind

Self doubt seems to be a natural part of being human. Our minds are responsible for lots of our greatest accomplishments, but they also get in the way sometimes.

Having tools to manage your mind during moments of self doubt can be critical to success. Self doubt is a normal feeling and it doesn't have to hold us back from our next great accomplishment. Self doubt means that we are in the midst of that next great accomplishment. It's a sign that we're about to take our life/career/relationship to the next level... If you aren't navigating self doubt, you probably aren't pushing yourself.

Two of my favorite exercises to combat self doubt as it arises are;

  • Awareness & Invitation:

    • Recognize when self doubt is creeping in and invite it to the party! I like to treat Self Doubt like one of the characters of Inside Out - self doubt has a place at the table and I welcome it, I just don't let it take the wheel. When self doubt is in control of the ship, we got problems. Try to recognize when you're letting Self Doubt take the wheel and politely decline.

  • Doubt the Doubt:

    • Self doubt is a major strength for so many people that I coach and if it's so easy to doubt yourself... why not doubt the self-doubt? I love this because it shows that, even when it doesn't feel like it, we are in control of what we think. We are responsible for creating it and it's a natural reaction to GROWTH! We can choose to believe in our self doubt, or we can choose to doubt the self doubt.

Remember, if you aren't experiencing emotions like self-doubt, fear, and uncertainty, you are likely too comfortable. Which also means you're not progressing.

Let's look at these uncomfortable characters in our life as tools that we use to level up, not barriers that hold us back.


4 Steps to Stop Self Sabotage & Move Towards Self Acceptance