A New Kind of Leadership Coaching… “Fill up your cup” Coaching

TL:DR - I'm not sure what to call myself yet... Leadership Coach, Burnout Coach, Self Care Coach, Work/Life Balance Coach, “Fill up your Cup” Coach... but I know that my coaching program is here to help leaders avoid burnout and end exhaustion so they can be more present and effective leaders (and humans).

If you feel you could use some accountability to take better care of yourself, Schedule a Free Discovery Session today and learn more about how coaching can help.

Anyone who has started a coaching business knows that the number one question you get from any subject matter expert is "what's your niche". Everyone has their own journey and evolution to figure it out. It's not pretty. The road winds and you're asked questions like, "who is your ideal client" and "what do you have undeniable authority in" and eventually, as someone who just wants to get out there and coach people, you feel very angry. To the point that when your loving and supportive husband asks you "so who do you see yourself coaching" on a lovely Saturday walk in the park, you lash out saying you refuse to answer that question. I wish this was all an exaggeration, but it's really not.

As much as these questions angered me to my core (obviously because I didn't have a great answer), they were a critical guide to determine the direction of my coaching business. When I was asked about my undeniable authority, I thought about the past 10 years I spent working in a fast-pace, public company where I experienced all phases of growth, countless organizational change, and served as a people manager and leader within the organization. I thought about supporting my employees everyday in this environment and what felt like an impossible challenge to take care of myself in the process.

And then it clicked for me…

Leaders are under more stress now than they've ever been under before. Self care has never been more important but has never been more difficult to practice. That's why I want to help leaders take care of themselves— because leaders can’t pour from an empty cup.

I realized that what I experienced as a leader is an incredible asset and a way for me to guide others who are struggling in a similar high demanding work environments. Not only can I be a resource for leaders that are feeling used up at the end of each day and losing motivation, I can be a resource for companies who recognize that their employees are struggling even though they've graciously provided wellness trainings, webinars, apps, and policies, like unlimited PTO. I understand what it's like to have unlimited time off at my finger tips but feel there's always a deadline or a human crisis to tend to. I understand what it's like to feel like I have to be there for my team, even if it's after hours. I understand what it's like to support complex human beings and how hard that is when your own life feels completely out of order.

We look to our managers to support us. And while leaders are expected to support their people, it's far from their only priority. Figuring out how to balance the needs of the company with the needs of your people can be challenging-- and then it becomes impossible to think about the needs of ourselves. This is the value of Leadership Coaching, specializing in {insert my catchy marketing verbiage}...

It's having someone looking out for you with compassion and accountability to ensure that you're taking care of yourself.

I worked in the mental health field prior to joining the corporate world and throughout my Master's it was constantly preached that it's impossible to take care of others if you aren't taking care of yourself. It's incredibly important for leaders to recognize this and, most importantly, to act on it. I know from experience, that it's much easier said than done-- but after the past year of unprecedented stressors, self care requires so much more intention and practice. Self care is a SKILL, and accountability and support help.

If you're interested in learning more and curious about how coaching can help you create a work/life balance that leaves you feeling motivated and energized, schedule a free Discovery Session using the button below.


How to Uncover and Honor Your Self Care Language


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